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The LSP Class of 2024 Upgraded St. Pete Youth Farm

The Leadership St. Pete (LSP) Class of 2024 completed an impressive community project at the St. Pete Youth Farm, demonstrating their commitment to giving back and fostering positive change within the community. Over the past several months, the class planned, fundraised, and executed significant improvements to the Youth Farm’s facilities.

The "Sprouting Success" project raised over $50,000 in cash and in-kind donations to enhance the farm's multi-use areas by adding shade and rain protection, improving the main gathering space with comfortable, permanent seating, and upgrading the outdoor kitchen and food preparation areas to better serve local residents. This project not only provided the Youth Farm with much-needed physical improvements but also built awareness and support for the organization's mission to offer hands-on learning experiences and programming to teens.

The LSP Class of 2024’s dedication and hard work have left a lasting impact on the St. Pete Youth Farm and the community it serves. Their efforts exemplified the core values of Leadership St. Pete, showcasing the power of collaborative community leadership

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